Saturday, June 19, 2010
peluh ku yg byk
huhuhuhuhu neh dieee
Friday, June 18, 2010
ini rumah saya
Thursday, June 17, 2010
oh! Durian

Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Three Dads And One
hujan lebat
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Roti jala

aku nk try buat yg neh
Cut approximatly 12-14 inches of ribbon. Use a longer piece for a larger rose.

Begin by folding one 90 degree corner on the ribbon.

Moving clockwise, fold another corner adjacent to the first one.

Add two more folds, mirroring the first two steps, until a square shape is formed by the ribbon. (the folds form 4 corners.) Keep a small hole in the middle of the folds as you go, as shown.

While holding your other folds in place with one hand, begin the folding sequence again. You will be making another layer of folds- (identical to and directly on top of the other folds.)

Repeat the above steps, making four folds per layer, until about 3 inches is left of the ribbon.

Begin twisting the remaining 'unfolded' tail.

Push the end of the twisted tail through the hole formed in the middle of the folds. Don't be afraid to push through the hole with your finger first to 'find' it if you need too!

Now begin twisting the tail into a spiral-like pattern, also clock-wise. The twisting motion will begin to 'grab' the top folded layer, and you will soon be able to see the rose pattern form. Continue twisting, carefully holding the uninvolved layers until ready to include them in the twisting motion.

Once all of your folds have been incorporated into the twisting motion, use a twist-tie to temporarily hold your creation in place. Feel free to experiment with the look or shape of the rose. Remember, if you "goof it up", you can start over again with the same ribbon!

At this time, you may want to secure your rose near the 'stem' and other various areas to make sure it stays together. I think a hot glue gun works best. Use small dots of glue under, between, and at the base of several petals to secure.
Now you can make more roses, and use them in any creative way you wish!
Thanks for reading, good luck and have fun! :)
Monday, June 14, 2010
siap sedia untuk post
sila puji aku hahahahahahaha!!!!!
happy la dgn myfamily....
:2 Kenapa anda happy ?
saya encik hubby ada bambam,ada mak,ada adik beradik,ade mentua,ada kawan2
:3 Apa benda yang membuatkan anda happy ?
family.duit!duit! hahahahahaha!!1
:4 Pernah menerima tag ?
ade neh tag yg ke-3
:5 Nyatakan warna yang anda suka ?
:6 Berikan 9 orang yang anda akan tag ?
Sunday, June 13, 2010
.jpg) aku wat burger ala2 aku huhuhuh homemade sbb kawan aku citer semalam hubby die kata burger yg die wat aku pon nk le suh encik hubby puji2 aku,aku pon bertungkus lumus kt dapur siapkan burger aku pas 20min siap la...encik hubby pon makan le dgn xpuji ponnnnn waaaaaa...xde semangat nk bg motivasi langsung le laki aku neh hampehhhh tp yg penting habis maknenye sedap la tu puji diri sendiri bg sedapkan hati...
Minat Baru Aku

salam ahad....aku neh skang tetibe je berminat tuk wat kraftangan le...aku tgk blog kawan aku yg suke wat fabric felt leh ke aku nk wat ek dgn tangan aku yg mcm kayu neh huuuuu...aku neh mmg suke wat benda yg cantik2 neh..aku ade gak wat gubahan hantaran tuk kawan2 aku dorang sume ckp cantik jek aku xberape nk pandai sgt tp bleh la sket2 nk blending colour tuh aku xpandai huuuu aku xde blajar dr sesape cume tgk2 jek owg buat...setakat makeup tuk bertunang tu bleh aku wat tuk kawan2 jek nk amik upah ishhh! xberani wehhh..neh dtg la minat baru aku nk cuba2 jugak le..nk beli bahan2 nk wat fabric felt nant tp nk kena cr rujukan dulu...doakan aku berjaya menbuat sesuatu ok..hahahahahahaha!!